If it's not ticked, you can click through to the required mod and subscribe to it. If you already subscribe to the mod required (on Steam), it will show a green tick. The screenshot on the left (click to enlarge it) shows an example of this. You will also see on many of the Workshop pages a list of all the mods you need. Single Player Missions Multiplayer Missions Gunter Severloh has created 2 Steam Workshop collections for single player and multiplayer missions to make it quick and easy to find what you want. It will also update it every time there's a new version of the mission file available. Click on that and Steam will download the mission file in the background. On the Steam Workshop page of each mission, there is a button titled Subscribe.

In the following table you'll find a list of all the ones available on the Steam Workshop. There are a lot of missions made to be played with Ravage.