Most of the time you only want to use it as someone is attacking you, and use it as an immediate counter attack as previously mentioned. That also transforms into how you use the charge up attack. You'll notice if you successfully did this with a "ding" noise on the shield and an immediate fluid attack right back at the enemy. It's easy to accidentally do this instead of an actual parry sometimes. If a person's attack is about to land, you can do a heavy in the SAME DIRECTION that will protect you, but hit them. You will need to learn how to do the counter attacks he has. You want to practice dodging a person's attack and immediately shield bashing, and follow up with a light. Never do a left and right light attack combo on a person, it's the most easy to parry move against you. Fortunately your attacks get slightly faster and faster with each combo making it hard sometimes for a person to parry you. Wall stuns are your friends too of course. Because you have to face it, the conq only has that one stun and gb + heavies DOES NOT work for him.

The main viable way to play at first will be just to bash and do light attacks. I do mix of lights and heavy attacks, either works. One of the most helpful things about this is the Heavy + Heavy combo that people usually don't expect, it's fast, and it can hit a person running away if your first heavy doesn't land. I can do a heavy with the range of a nobushi and hit people.

As a conq, I surprise a lot of people with my attack range.